• No. 1688, East Gaoke Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China.

Integrating mining loading and hauling equipment selection

recent work Burt et al develop a M IP model for heterogeneous equipment selection in a surface mine with multiple locations and a multiple period schedule [9]

A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment

Surface Mining A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment selection and sizing problem under uncertainty S P Upadhyay a Mine Planning Canadian Natural Resources Limited Calgary CanadaView further author information

PDF A Multiple Criteria Decision Making

In many industries materials handling represents a significant component of the operational cost making equipment selection an important challenge to management To meet this challenge extensive research has taken place in the mining and construction industries which are heavily dependant on equipment Yet this research effort has not resulted in an acceptable solution

Evaluating Productivity in Opencast Mines A Machine

Productivity in opencast mining particularly in drill blast DB and surface miner SM operations is crucial for optimizing efficiency and reducing costs These operations are directly affected by fragmentation which in turn impacts equipment utilization loading cycle times and downstream operations This study analyzed field data such as rock properties machine

Selecting the suitable loading haulage

The wrong equipment selection causes low production efficiency and increases the unit cost So selecting proper equipment for surface mining must be carefully analysed and the optimum equipment configuration must be determined There are several techniques for surface mining equipment selection1 These techniques

Equipment selection for high selective excavation surface coal mining

One of the parameters that provide minimum cost for the targeted production in a mine is surely the suitability of the machines/ equipment selected Moreover equipment selection directly affects the pit design and production planning In open pit mining equipment selection is made according to many factors related to the ore and mining conditions These factors can be qualitative and

Mine Facility Location Selection in Open Pit Mines Based on

Mine Facility Location Selection MFLS is one of the most common encountered problems associated with sustainable development in open pit mine planning and design et al Selection of waste dump sites using a tabu search algorithm The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 108 9 13 2008 C Singhal R


Effective fleet management in surface mining is crucial to optimize the cost of surface mining A complete method to determine the match factor for heterogeneous excavator truck combination at

Sustainability in Long Term Surface Mine Planning A

The mining industry critical for global resource supply has historically been linked to significant environmental degradation and social challenges including habitat disruption water and soil contamination as well as fatalities But recently the industry has been undergoing a transformative change to meet evolving environmental and societal expectations Operations

A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment

DOI / Corpus ID 233642743; A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment selection and sizing problem under uncertainty inproceedings{Upadhyay2021ASA title={A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment selection and sizing problem under uncertainty} author={Shiv Prakash

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 1997

Presenting current and emerging technologies in the field of mine planning and equipment this volume also covers control and automation for surface and underground mining A wide range of papers from professionals in Europe South America Africa and Australia are featured

PDF Loading haulage equipment selection in open pit mines

Equipment selection in mining engineering is one of the most important decisions that affects the mine design production planning and economic parameters in open pit and underground mining

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 1995 Google Books

This text presents about 150 papers based on an international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection held in Canada in 1995 Coverage includes design and planning of surface and underground mines; surface mining and the environment; tailings disposal; and slope stability analysis

Application of UBC methodology for underground mining method selection

The mining method selection for underground mining is one of the most important decisions when designing a mine This selection depends on the mining geological mining technical and economic factors

Applications of expert systems in equipment selection for surface mine

The expert system is used primarily for surface mining method selection and excavation and haulage equipment selection Methods of storing knowledge interrogating and controlling external programs and reaching conclusions using multiple knowledgebases have been discussed in previous papers by the authors and will be dealt with only briefly

Deriving preference order of open pit mines equipment

Expert system as decision aid in surface mine equipment selection was applied by Bandopadhyay and Venkatasubramanian 1987 Denby and Schofield 1990 Hrebar 1990 Sevim and Sharma 1991 used net present value analysis for selection of a dragline and surface transportation system A Aghajani Bazzazi et al Optimal open pit mining

Advanced Analytics for Surface Mining SpringerLink

The successful application of fuzzy logic for optimizing the post mining land use for an open pit copper mine was exhibited by Bangian et al Bazzazi M Osanloo and B Karimi 2011 A new fuzzy multi criteria decision making model for open pit mines equipment selection Mobile equipment accidents in surface coal mines


Effective fleet management in surface mining is crucial to optimize the cost of surface mining A complete method to determine the match factor for heterogeneous excavator truck combination at

A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment

DOI / Corpus ID 233642743; A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment selection and sizing problem under uncertainty inproceedings{Upadhyay2021ASA title={A simulation based algorithm for solving surface mines equipment selection and sizing problem under uncertainty} author={Shiv Prakash

Equipment Selection for Surface Mining A Review

One of the challenging problems for surface mining operation optimization is choosing the optimal truck and loader fleet We refer to this problem as the equipment selection problem ESP In this paper we describe the ESP in the context of surface mining and discuss related problems and applications

Equipment Selection for Surface Mining A Review

This paper describes the ESP in the context of surface mining and discusses related problems and applications within the scope of both the ESP and related problems and outlines modeling and solution approaches One of the challenging problems for surface mining operation optimization is choosing the optimal truck and loader fleet We refer to this problem

Surface Mining Methods and Equipment EOLSS

2 Surface Mining Machinery Glossary Bibliography Biographical Sketches Summary This chapter deals with surface mining Section 1 presents an overview of surface mining methods and practices as commonly employe d in modern surface mining operations The description includes a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of surface and

Evaluating Productivity in Opencast Mines A Machine

Productivity in opencast mining particularly in drill blast DB and surface miner SM operations is crucial for optimizing efficiency and reducing costs These operations are directly affected by fragmentation which in turn impacts equipment utilization loading cycle times and downstream operations This study analyzed field data such as rock properties machine

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES

Author reviews some of the important aspects of surface mine planning and equipment selection to show that changed conditions in the mineral commodity markets dominated by price conscious buyers

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